Transition Motivation
Hi! CJ here.
Today in episode 10, we’re going to discuss the transition between the first nine episodes, where we discussed things like mindset, creating your why, constructive criticism and goals, to our next episodes where we will discuss what’s required to actually build. If you have not visited the first posts in this series, I strongly encourage you to do so.
Though each of the blog posts stands on its own, they are designed in a series that will allow you to implement steps in order to achieve the knowledge needed to setup your online marketing system. With that said, going forward we’ll start diving into what I call the build phase of setting up your online/affiliate marketing machine. This will consist of topics like what are domains, how to set up a blog and create email lists. If you’re wondering what these things are, then stay tuned in. We’re going to explain each in detail.
While we journey through this phase SJ and I will reveal struggles we’ve been through as well as give tips and tricks learned each step of the way. Our goal with this blog is to provide you with all the tools needed, without holding anything back, to successfully build your online/affiliate business.
As we’ve discussed in previous posts, building an online/affiliate business is not for the faint of heart. It takes time, diligence, willingness to overcome the struggles and fears, and a strong desire to succeed.
As I list the things above, I think of the struggles SJ and I have faced over the last few weeks. From hospital stays for pancreatitis to waking up from a nap with the majority of my body no longer able to function. I share this personal Information that you may know we are no different then you. We must fight to build our online business just like everyone else.
As we lock arms on this journey, here is something to meditate on.
“We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on!” (Independence Day movie) We’re going to not just survive but thrive! Today, I declare with one voice, we will succeed in building our online/affiliate business no matter the struggles and trials we face.
And when we are confronted with fear, we’ll overcome because we recognize that “courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than the fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.” (Princess Diary movie)
As we each push through on our journey to build our online/affiliate business may we truly be able to say, “We came, we saw and we conquered.”
I believe in you and your ability to succeed. The question remains, will you go on the journey with us?
The best way to get maximum benefit from the blog is to subscribe to our FREE INSIDER’S NEWSLETTER. This is where you can get access to exclusive insider information that will help you build your online marketing business.
Till next time my friend,
CJ signing off
Some great quotes. I like how you’ve structured your journey. Get the mindset in place, commit to overcome fear and hardship, then build.
My goal in structuring the blog posts is to allow someone to start at the beginning of my posts an by following them they’ll be able to setup their own blog, market it, and monetize it. By doing this it will provide a complete training course on how to setup an affiliate marketing business online.
Hope this helps with your journey.
Hello CJ, glad your back and putting out quality posts once again. Taking the bull by the horns, sounds like a good motto for you guys.
Taking the bull by the horns is the only way I know how to keep moving forward when struck with set backs. It is that mindset that allow SJ and I to never quit. We have a long ahead to overcome the health challenges but nothing can stop us from moving forward.
Have a great day
Hi Cj,
You are truly an inspiration to all of us who have crossed paths with you on this shared journey. Despite facing health challenges, your unwavering enthusiasm and commitment to pursuing your dreams shine through. Wishing you a swift and complete recovery, and may your endeavors yield the desired results. All The Best My Friend.
I am glad that I can be an inspiration to you. Knowing that through my challenges I can encourage others to start or keep perusing their dreams, makes the struggle worth whiled. I appreciate all your encouraging words.
Hi CJ & SJ, just want to say that both of you are amazing and really an inspiration to all of us.
I love the quote “courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than the fear”. It is a great reminder about the importance of figuring out our why.
Please take care. I just subscribed to your newsletter.
If my struggles provide hope and inspiration for others then it makes it all worth while. You are correct about discovering your why. I know without mine it would be much harder to fight through all the issues SJ and I are going through.
May the inspiration propel you to knew heights.
Hi CJ,
I Know you have had some challenges lately, and I’m so sorry you and your wife are going through this hard time right now. It sounds like you are heading in the right direction though! The courage and determination that I hear in your voice will go a long way, in your personal life as well as your business too. keep strong and hang in there, and you will be ok. I look forward to your next post. Thank you!
It is definitely major challenges. They have turned mine an SJ’s life upside down. However, we are determined to succeed regardless of the obstacles. However, going through these challenges will allow us to serve our readers with a deeper knowledge and experience than before.
I can truly say if SJ and I can do this then anyone can do it.
Looks like you are determined to make this work.
Appreciate your honesty, and love the picture of the bridge being built
The attitude to serve is important.
Keep it up.
We are beyond determined to make our online business a huge success. The bridge picture is one SJ found and modified for this post. Also, you are correct a servant attitude is a vital part of our and I hope your business. Some look at having a servant attitude as a liability. But I like Winston Churchill’s saying speak softly and cary a big stick. This simply mean if you have a servant heart that doesn’t make one weak.
I leave you with this, “May server your people well and with integrity”.
I’m so glad you’re doing better, CJ! And, I agree, the love the two of you have for each other, supporting each other in business and health challenges, is heartwarming. I’ve read your previous posts. They are a great lead-up to starting a business. I am excited to see where you go from here.
The Bible says, that when you are married you become one. For SJ and I this is so true for us in personal and business. We do everything together. Her strengths are my weaknesses and her weaknesses are my strengths. Together we are one. This combination creates a powerhouse that allow us to server others more effectively. We are both blessed to have each other and may those blessing be poured out on others.
I am glad you have found the previous post to be of benefit and are looking forward to the build phase.
Keep moving forward.
CJ, it’s great to see you back. I hope you’re both well. You really are a sign of resilience and not letting anything get you down. You always come back with more inspiration and things to look forward to so take your time and I look forward to the next series of your blocks take care, Atif
Thanks for the well wishes. We still have a long fight ahead but SJ and I approach it with the same tenacity and resilience that we do with all the obstacles we’re confronted with. Both of use realize that getting through them is 95% mindset. When an obstacle is put in our path we have the power to control our mind which in return affects our actions. We simply choose to remain positive, which give us the power to take positive action. There is no room for getting down.
May mine and SJ’s journey inspire you to keep moving forward.
Hi Cj, SJ,
The remarkable thing about human beings is their tenacity when faced with adversity.
I’ve read the posts and took in the information that you provided on the community Facebook page and to be honest, the one big thing that always comes back to me isn’t the adversities you’re both facing: it’s the love that you’re showing.
Take care & looking forward to continuing reading your great posts!
I am glad you see the love that SJ and I show. We both have a love for the people we are able to serve. People are not just dollar signs. They are individuals that are hurting, frustrated, looking for hope and help. When it comes to serving them we feel their pain and want to truly help them convert those feels into belonging and the feels that come with achievement and success.As the motto on our blog says “EMPOWERING PEOPLE TO CHANGE THE LANDSCAPE OF THEIR LIVES.” SJ and I can truly say, online marketing is our business but changing lives is who we are.
Thanks for the comment. I leave you with one last question. Who are you?
CJ/SJ, I have so much appreciation and admiration for you both for continuing to move forward despite your recent challenges. I know it would have been easier to “give up,” or even just table your tasks for when your status improved, but instead you continue to move forward with productivity during this time. You’re an inspiration to us all. I hope to hear of your continued improvement in these upcoming days/weeks.
As I meditate on your comments, I think of the Spanish Captain, Hernán Cortés. He landed on the shores of the new world, Mexico, and gave the order to “burn the boats”. His crew thought he was insane because it left them with no way to retreat.Their only options was to succeed or die trying. When SJ and I started this online marketing/ affiliate journey we went all in. You could say we burned the boats and the only path is forward to success. There is no retreating despite what life may through at us.
Onward and Upward and keep moving forward.
Great motivational stuff here, thanks. I see others struggle against huge misfortune and adversity and see them come through to the other side, and I am humbled and impressed. My journey has been relatively smooth and painless, for which i am thankful.
I am so grateful your journey has been smooth and painless. One thing I have learned is that when misfortune comes my way is to ask how can I use this to empower myself. More importantly how can I use it to empower others. The question is why do some people with misfortunes end up succeeding on the other side. I can tell you from experience they recognize that success is 95% mindset and how they perceive their misfortune. The ones who succeed are the ones who embrace their struggles and us them to empower others.
Though your journey has been smooth and painless, may you use what you have to empower others.
Thank you for the motivation and inspiring words! What a great post to start the day! I am with you: “We will succeed in building our online/affiliate business no matter the struggles and trials we face!!!”
You are welcome! I wrote those word not just to inspire others but also to keep my own mind in check. With the health struggles, I have to be extra diligent to keep checking my mindset to guard it against stink-in think-in. It is easy to slip into it if you don’t keep one’s guard up.
You are correct we will succeed no mater what life throughs at us. This is because no matter what happens we are in control of our mindset and actions.
May you face the struggles you encounter with tenacity.
As Zig Ziglar says, “I will see you at the top”
Thank you, CJ for this inspiring post. I particularly enjoyed the Princess Diary movie quote. (I have not seen it, but now I want to)
I am also struggling at the moment to get through my next step which is to promote my blog using video but seeing what you’re experiencing I know that what I am feeling is only mental blocks designed to keep me in my comfort zone but I must feel the discomfort and move through it.
You are welcome and how that my words truly motivated and inspired you to keep moving forward. The Princess Diary quote is one of my favorites. Another one is “Keep Moving Forward” from the movie Meet the Robinsons. If you need a pick me up this is a good movie to watch.
What you are experiencing is normal. I know it can be frustrating when it comes to learning new things. With my learning disabilities I struggle with this all the time. The thing I remind myself of is that how we feed our minds determines our outcome. To overcome these blocks one must feed on positive things to ward off the stink-in think-in.
It is also true that if we are to succeed we must learn to enjoy living outside our comfort zone. When living outside one’s comfort is where true growth happens.
Hang in there and I believe you have what it takes to succeed.
I admire your courage and understand it well. Sometimes the most courageous thing we do each day is something as simple as getting dressed. You are very much an inspiration. I like how you have outlined the process and I look forward to seeing this develop.
You are correct, Each day is a struggle to do the basic simple things with the current health issues. However, I choose to rise to the occasion and count each task as a victory. A wise person once said,”when you wake up each morning, make your bed. Then you will have at least one victory for the day”.
I am also glad the my story and struggles are an inspiration. If through written, audio and video I can inspire others to not give up and chase their dreams. Then I have succeed.
Last, please do follow the process we have laid out. My hope is to give away as much content for free, that if followed will allow individuals to build their affiliate business at little to no cost.
Thanks for the comment.
Wow CJ, Life is a test and sounds like you have your share. I know you and your Bride will be victorious in your online business. I can so agree with you that creating an online business is not for the weak. I am behind you and will remember you in my prayers for you and your family to always be more that conquerors..
Have a great weekend,
The last 24 months have been a very trying time. As I write this reply, I am confined to bed or wheelchair. However, through these times we can choose to pull back or charge ahead. With the strength God has give us, SJ and I choose to move forward. As we move forward each step is a step of victory.
Thanks for the comment and may you be strong and victorious.
I applaud you for never giving up even in difficult circumstances. You are building on a strong foundation and that is key. I look forward to watching your business grow and I hope to learn a few things from you as you grow – maybe I will as well! 🙂 Have a great and productive week!
I appreciate the applause. Giving up is simply not in mine or SJ’s vocabulary. Each day despite the struggles, we continue to build on the foundation we are creating. Both of us know that with persistence and consistency, we will thrive. More importantly it will give our readers the steps needed to thrive.
My you and your business grow.
Sounds like you are truly strong and determined! With your perseverance there’s no way you can fail. Keep up the great work!
SJ and I are both strong, determined and passionate about helping other succeed. We are not on this journey for just our own self gain but to change the lives of our readers through online marketing. When putting others first it becomes much easier to preserver and is far more rewarding.
Back at you, keep up the fight.
Hi TJ: enjoyed reading your blog post. You have the right idea about building your affiliate marketing business. I will continue to check in for more information. Thank You:
I am glad you enjoyed the blog post! My you join the journey and follow in mine and SJ’s footsteps.
Have and awesome day!
What an appropriate starting image for your build phase! And I totally agree that we are all in the same boat that we must fight the good fight to build our online business.
Now you ask the question – will I go on the journey with you?
With the determination you present – I say yes!
I look forward to being a subscriber to your newsletter.
It took me many years to develop the mindset to never give up despite what things may happen. When adversity strikes we have a choice, dig in and fight or let it get the best of you. I am glad to see you are digging in and fighting the good fight. As long as you never give in and keep fighting, you will reach your goal on the other end.
I am also excited to have you coming on the journey with us.
Hi cj and sj, despite what you have been/are going through, you still remain stoic in your quest for affiliate marketing perfection. My hat is off to you! You write so eloquently; anyone following you would be so lucky and privileged and I include myself in that number. My very best to you both.
Thanks for all the complements! Both SJ and I write each blog post from the heart knowing that words and our example have the power to change a reader’s life. We also recognize that if we have the ability to positively impact peoples lives, then we have the responsibility to do it to the best of our ability.
Lastly, We happily take on the form of a servant and it is our privilege to server you and our other readers.
Thanks for the comments & Keep Moving Forward!