Crossroads of Online Marketing… Going It Alone VS. Guided By A Mentor
The Video explores the dilemma of choosing between pursuing online marketing alone or with the guidance of a mentor. The speaker, CJ, shares personal experiences of initially going it alone due to financial constraints and trust issues with mentors. After facing challenges and pitfalls, they eventually found success with mentors Dean Holland and Russell Brunson. The text highlights the drawbacks of going alone, such as a steep learning curve, lack of personal feedback, emotional support, and networking opportunities. CJ emphasizes the value of mentorship, viewing it as an investment rather than an expense. The conclusion encourages individuals to choose their path but suggests considering mentorship for its numerous advantages. CJ recommends Dean Holland and Russell Brunson as trustworthy mentors, providing links for further exploration.
Hey, this is CJ here again, and welcome to the CJSJ marketing blog.
Today, in episode seven, we’re going to be looking at the crossroads of online marketing: going in alone versus guided by a mentor.
This is a fantastic topic, one that I love to talk about because I enjoy mentoring other people. I enjoy being mentored. I enjoy studying the art of mentorship. So, you know, I get excited when we talk about mentors.
But one of the problems is in the online marketing realm, it became a tough topic for SJ and me because we are people of modest means and we don’t have a lot of extra money to spare.
We can’t go buy tons of different books, and we can’t dump much money into mentors and things of that nature because working with a mentor was out of the question for us. We simply couldn’t afford to pay the high premiums. I don’t know if you can relate to that, but the high premiums associated with it get pretty pricey. And even if we wanted to find a mentor, who can we trust to deliver on their promises? I don’t know. But we’ve been burnt several times.
After a while, you get to be a little gun shy on what to buy, especially when money’s tight, and you don’t really have the money to spend on it. Then you end up getting burnt.
So, you start wondering, who can I trust? SJ and I have been at this crossroads, on more than one occasion, asking ourselves, do we get a mentor or do we just go it alone? I have to say, 99% of the time, we chose to go it alone. Why? Well, as I mentioned previously, we had no money to spend on it and didn’t know who to trust. After all, we tried countless courses online where the marketers didn’t keep their promises and didn’t deliver, just as we mentioned before.
But out of these 99 times and all the times, we chose to do it alone. The problem with choosing to go alone is we ended up drowning in online digital junk and confused, falling into a number of pitfalls along the way. And falling into these pitfalls left us frustrated and continuously changing the path from one direction to another direction, hoping we’d find a solution. But as long as we were going it alone, we never did find a solution.
Eventually, we found a solution. But that solution was we came to the conclusion that nothing else is working. So, the only thing left is to find a way to get a mentor. Unfortunately, we went through several so-called mentors and thousands of dollars before we found two mentors. both of these mentors are phenomenal and are helping guide us to the path of success. We have found them both to be honest, caring, and they way over deliver more than we even imagined or expected from them.
I’d like to take the time right now to introduce you to them. One is Dean Holland, which he has helped us get off our feet and get us really started. He’s the one who’s brought us up, helped me get the blog put in place, and is coaching us how to monetize and how to drive traffic and all kinds of other stuff. Then of course, there’s Russell Brunson. He’s taught us about funnels and how the funnels work, how we build funnels, how to put them together, how to turn them into the marketing campaign and how to start monetizing them.
Both of these two men together make a great mentorship. They help us together, they complement each other, and they’re helping us reach our goals and our dreams. SJ and I, the only thing we can say is that we appreciate them and are thankful that they’re part of our personal and business development.
Like we said, we went through a lot of trial and error before we found these mentors.
My hope and prayer for sharing these honest mentors with you is to keep you from having to go through all the junk and all the trial and the error and the money and everything else it costed us to find these two mentors.
So though SJ and I changed course and decided to hire a mentor, still most individuals out there are at the crossroads of do I do it alone or do I get guided by a mentor?
For the remainder of this post, I’m wanting to go ahead and dive into a contrast between both options because neither option is wrong. You can do it alone, or you can go with a mentor. It’s strictly up to you. It’s strictly your choice.
SJ and I just couldn’t find a solution that worked for us when we went alone, and we decided it was a priority. So, we decided to get a mentor and find a way to sacrifice and do that.
But I want to look at the contrast of these two so you can have some information to help you make an intelligent decision.
The first thing I want to look at is cost prohibited. Many would agree that going in alone is more cost-friendly. If you do it by yourself, you don’t have the cost of the mentors, which are expensive. But however, I would like you to consider something. On the surface, this seems very plausible and makes sense because a mentor isn’t free. It makes sense that it seems to be more cost-effective and easier on the budget.
However, I’d also like you to consider the old saying, time is money. The loads of extra time it takes to locate information when going alone is measured in years, not days, not months, but years. And that is our personal experience from SJ and me. It robbed us of years, not just a day here or a month here, but it robbed us in years. And with a good mentor, respectfully, you can reduce all that down to six to 18 months to get up and start running and producing some sort of income from it versus going it alone.
A lot of the mentors said it took them 5-10 years before they even got up and really got running when they were trying to do it alone. I could tell from personal experience it takes a whole lot longer to dig through all the stuff and everything else. And now that we’re in mentoring, we’re moving along at a much smoother, faster progress. I don’t know about you, but I don’t find it cheaper because I can’t get time back. I can get money back, but I can’t get my time back. And my time is valuable. So, to me, it’s not cost-prohibited and it’s not cost-friendly because it costs me so much extra time, frustration, and years of my life off just because I have to try and figure this out on my own. If I do it alone versus doing it through a mentor.
The second thing I want to go over is a learning curve.
If you wish to go it alone, then you can plan on a very, very steep learning curve.
With so much information out there on online marketing, the questions are, where do you even begin? How do you decide what to learn and implement? How do you stay out of the pitfalls? How do you get things organized in the correct order? These questions are what caused most individuals who choose to go it alone to fail and quit. It’s sad when somebody quits on their dreams because it’s just so frustrating they can’t find a path. And instead of going and finding a mentor that can show them the path and has blazed the trail and everything.
I heard a really neat analogy the other day, and the analogy was this. There were several feet of snow, and the father didn’t want his two boys to have to walk through the deep snow. Instead, he walked in front of them and he told his boys, hey, put your footsteps into my footsteps and that’ll make it easy for you. However, the older boy that was there kept stepping out of his footsteps and trying to dredge through the snow to see around, to see what was happening. And he kept falling behind and falling behind as he was trying to go by himself instead of falling in the mentor’s footsteps like his younger brother did, that blazed and went ahead. It’s important you want to be able to do that. It’s so much faster and so much quicker because the steps are already there. You’re not having to lean out and try and figure them out, and you’re not having to get pushed backward and falling out, falling away from the opportunities that are there because you just give up.
A mentor blazes the trail where if you go alone, you have to blaze your own trail. Next. Personal feedback.
I don’t know about you, but personal feedback is important to me. That’s why I like mentors. They give me feedback. When a person decides to go alone, they have no one to give them feedback on what they are doing right and what they’re doing wrong. There is no constructive criticism to a person to make the needed changes or corrections if they’re going it alone. Where with a mentor, you have constructive criticism and you can tie into a feedback loop that helps keep one on track. That constant feedback helps you adjust and make sure you stay on track and make sure you’re going in the right direction and not getting lost off in the woods and the weeds and the ocean and everything and drowning. It keeps you on track. One footstep in front of the other so that you don’t drown. However, if you’re doing it alone, you don’t have that guide, you don’t have that feedback loop. All you do is keep dredging and hoping you find the path and hopefully you can blaze that path. And you have to just, I guess, keep talking to yourself like we did and just keep hoping that what you’re doing is correct because you don’t have a feedback loop like you would if you had a mentor.
The next thing that’s very, very important to consider is emotional support.
One thing you need to ask is if you are looking to go alone is who is going to give you the emotional support you need to reach your dreams. No one can reach their dreams going it alone. Everybody has to have someone. There’s no such thing as a self-made person. If you choose to go alone, you have to be self-supporting emotionally and have some kind of other emotional support team that you have to set up that may or may not have your dreams and your other things at your best interest. But with a mentor, you have the support to succeed, you have the needed emotional support. You have other people around you, you have people of like-mindedness, and you have people that are encouraging you in the communities, and the mentor encouraging you as well. And the mentor’s team that’s working with you, they’re constantly helping motivate you, they’re constantly giving you support, they’re constantly telling you, okay, you’re not behind, you’re where you need to be. Okay, take this step. This step. So just like the feedback loop, the emotional, you need an emotional support loop that keeps you up. Nobody can emotionally get through things without running into a lot of issues and a lot of things that drag us down. I know SJ and I got dragged down a lot of times, got frustrated and didn’t know where to go or what to do. But now, if we ever get that way, all we do is have to go back to our mentor in our community that’s out there of like-minded individuals, and they help us. But you can’t do that if you’re going it alone.
And then the last thing I want to look at is access to networking, other opportunities.
An individual that chooses to go it alone loses out on the inside opportunities. Often you won’t know it, but often there are opportunities for advancement that are just simply not available to those outside of the mentorship. Going it alone in this case is like looking into the fishbowl.
You can see from the outside, but you can’t come in. In addition, you miss out on the ability to network with others of like-minded people and dreams. Like I said, with the emotional support and the personal feedback, that community that you can relate with inside that mentorship and everything else. I know I keep saying it, but it is so valuable. It’s not something you need to discount. And the only way you know how valuable it is because we’ve had the opportunity to be in them.
A bunch of us in the group right now are looking at each other’s blog, helping each other, helping us with questions that are getting answered and we help somebody else with questions answered and the ones we can’t answer. The online mentor team and our online mentors answer those for us so that we can get going. There’s no question that we can’t ask and get the answers to. We don’t have to try and go dig for those answers. So having that network and the opportunities are priceless.
We’ve looked at these different things and we could go on. There are several more advantages to having a mentor. Accelerated learning, fast achievement, faster achievement, increased confidence, and these are just to name a few. But in conclusion, I would like for you to think about some things. SJ and I, after many tries, decided to take the mentor fork at the crossroads and are so glad and thankful we did. We didn’t get any richer. We didn’t win the lottery or miraculously run into money. Instead, we changed our perspective and started viewing it not as an expense, but as an investment.
Plus, both of us were tired of all the frustration and disappointment coming from trying to do it alone. One thing we realized is if we truly wanted something and it was a true priority, we could make the sacrifices needed to cover the cost of a mentorship. I have learned in my lifetime that if there’s something you want bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it. This wasn’t easy to make those sacrifices, but so far it has been worth every dime of the investment that we’ve made and we are comfortable with those investments and we are glad that we did them.
The question remains, what fork in the road are you going to travel down?
That of the mentor or that of going it alone? I want you to know that neither one is wrong. The choice is just simply yours. I hope you choose a mentor because I know it will be better, but still, you have to make the choice for yourself. SJ and I wish you the best on whichever road you choose to travel.
However, if you choose to travel the mentor path, then check out mine and SJ’s mentors, Dean Holland and Russell Brunson. I’m going to put some links down below this video in the blog post and so you can click on them. Go check out some of their stuff and if you have any questions, ask me questions about the mentors. I’ll gladly answer them and if I don’t know the answer, I’ll go to those mentors and I’ll ask them and I’ll get the answers for you. But do check them out. I know you will find them to be of the caliber of which I told you they were and I don’t take those lightly and I don’t give praises out to mentors and people lightly. But they are two good guys that are honest and that you won’t get burnt through.
Of course, you still have to do your part with the mentor so to get the value out of them, you will have to do your part. I mean, they’re not going to do everything for you, but they certainly will guide you down the trails that they’ve blazed in front of them.
Till next time, this is CJ signing off.
I agree with you, CJ.
I have had mentors since I started my property journey. Some were good, some not.
But as you said it can speed up the learning and helps to avoid costly mistakes.
I still have different mentors for different subjects, like money mindset or business and wealth. I like to go to live events organised by them as this gives me the chance to meet other successful people, millionaires and a billionaire. I was once told that I have to be surrounded by reach people, and I must be the poorest in the room.
As I have mentioned in some of the other replies here. Tony Robbins talks about having 3 pillars to success and the second pillar is you MUST have a mentor to succeed. He goes on to say that you need a mentor in every area of your life you’re working to improve both in business and personal. In this case we are talking about online marketing but as you mentioned it is good to have them in every area of life.
Just a side note, as you stated having mentors exposes you to others is one of the key benefits of having a mentor.
Onward and Upward my friend.
When I first started online, I used to purchased a lot of information products that cost anywhere from 7 to 97 bucks. Before I realized it, a few years were gone and I have bought hundreds of them.
When you add up the cost, they ranged in the thousands. Imagine instead of buying hundreds of “low cost” products, I have spent that on mentoring instead, I would probably have gotten much better results.
I guess the saying about “being cheap is expensive” is true when trying to grow a business online.
In business there is no room for being cheap. One must make sound investments that are done through proper due diligence and research. But businesses often try it find the cheapest route to go to their own detriment. You can see this played out in the online marketing world. Business owners go it alone thinking it going to be cheaper but it ends up killing their business. Instead, if they invested in a mentor it would have helped the thrive instead of dive.
I am glad you have taken your business in a different direction and invested in a mentor.
May your Journey be bright and fruitful.
Hi CJ,
I’m with you on this point: get a mentor; it’s worth its weight in gold!
My point of view is that, as you mentioned, we have a limited amount of time and even if we have limited financial ressources, it’s sometimes more worthwhile to invest that money into a mentor because, most times, you’ll spend just as much of that money trying to get to the same point a mentor would bring you in half the time.
All the best!
You made a valid point, The right mentor is worth it’s weight in gold. Plus, the right mentor will save you time and money and is more cost effective than going it alone. Getting a mentor is a worthwhile investment. The key word being investment. The money laid out for a mentor is indeed an investment in ones self.
Thank for the commenting!
Finding a mentor…the right mentor is key. I almost went at it alone and am so glad I did not! I am so proud to have also found Dean and I wish others to find him, or someone like him, to help guide (not guarantee) success! Please keep your blog going strong as it is so helpful to me and others, I am sure!
You nailed it on the head! Finding the right mentor is key!! Hiring the wrong mentor is no better than going it alone. My advise to anyone is to approach mentors with a little bit of skepticism. Then do extensive research on them and then try some of their free or low cost offers to test them out.Yes, you need to find a mentor but as stated it needs to be one that provides you with what you want and need.
Good luck with your mentor and keep moving forward.
Hi CJ,
I agree that mentoring is key to success in any field, including affiliate business! In the last 13 years I have tried a variety of online business, such as life coaching, MLM, drop ship and direct sales. All of which I would have had potential success or more success if I had a mentor. They were available, but I was just not seeing the ability to pay for mentoring. In exchange for the fear of paying for a mentor I ended up loosing about 45K doing it all wrong. This time around is different. I’m not afraid of paying a good mentor like Dean, much more will be made back. This way it’s investing in my business instead of wasting it.
Great post, until your next posts!
Like anything admitting where one went wrong and changing directions is the first step to a brighter future. You cannot change the past but can make course correction going forward. I am glad you made the course correction to hire a mentor instead of continually going it alone. This is not an easy change when looking at the cost. But you have the right attitude in looking at the fact that it will eventually pay for itself and then some. As I like to say it’s and investment in one self.
Onward and Upwards!!
You Got This!
CJ, thank you so much. I originally tried to go alone after some short training sessions from various people. And even though what they taught was very good and valuable it didn’t tie everything together. It didn’t walk you through the issues you’re going to have and how to do certain things. even though I believe it’s possible to do it alone, I believe it will take many years to learn how to do it. When we learn to drive or learn to cook or learn how to sew clothes, the best way is to learn from somebody who not only has done it, but he’s also qualified in it . This gives you the confidence that you’re being taken on the right path by somebody who knows what they’re doing and they’ve done it before. I’ve not used Russell yet, but who knows I may do in the future, but once I got Dean as a mentor, not only did it give me a path to follow. It gave me small processes to set things up , it gave me a place to get my questions answered, he gave me a community to be part of, but above all the most important thing was it changed and corrected my mindset. You can have all the ideas in the world you can have all the money in the world nothing is gonna work, unless your mindset is correct for what you’re intending to do . Great blog thank you so much. Talk again soon. Thanks, Atif.
There are many courses that are good and have value. But as you said,’they didn’t tie everything together”. That was my experience as well. I would be learning something an then there would be this gapping whole in the information be provide and I would have to start to search the internet blackhole for answers and it led me down one path after another to the point I would never get back to the original thing that cause me to start searching in the first place. I found this to very common in a lot of training programs. I don’t blame them as most people who teach other assume their pupils have certain knowledge that they don’t. This leaves to gaps in the training.
It is rare that you find people like Dean who breaks it down so simple and assumes you know nothing.
Good mentors are hard to find in all walks of life, including online marketing.
I agree a good mentor helps one adjust their mindset as Dean did for you. How we think really does determine one’s level of success. As we go on our journey we’ll continue to have paradigm shifts that will allow us to grow to the next level.
I have seen you growing personally and know that the growth is going to pay off.
Keep growing and working on the mind for it will determine your destination.
I love this post because I too was not sure if I could afford to get a mentor. There are also so many people out there who want to be your mentor and think they can help you. It’s hard to decipher who has the goods and knows what to do in this new era of affiliate marketing. I believe too, that Dean Holland gets it and understands how to help beginners become affiliate marketers. It’s hard for most mentors to go back and recall those early steps, but I feel that Dean knows just how to do this. He also has hired some great people who know how to coach you into success. I feel especially grateful to have found such an ethical mentor in this field where there are so many who are ‘get rich quick’ type of leaders.
When one starts looking for a mentor it requires a different train of thought. The should I or should I not hire a mentor requires a shift in our thought process. We often get caught up in the cost instead of asking how can I afford it. When we make that transition and focus on obtaining a way to afford it things start to change. As Tony Robbins says”Where focus is energy flows”. This means you shift into full gear on making a way to afford a mentor instead of focusing on why you can’t.
I am glad you found a mentor to take you on your path.
Know they are more precious that fine jewels.
CJ/SJ: I just love this! I, too, can resonate with trust issues related to those “experts” in this industry. I think it’s absolutely healthy to be cautiously optimistic however I know from past experiences, that has burned me. I think strength comes from trusting just one more time.. and allowing God to put someone fantastic in your path. I am familiar with Dean Holland and I think you found someone pretty fantastic. His guidance and mentorship appear second to none! I love reading your story! I look forward to next time.
I am building a business for GOD!! Each day I pray that he leads the way and puts people in my path to help along the journey. I do believe finding Dean and Russel as mentors was a God given blessing. The saying “He can do abundantly above anything we can ask or think is so true. Though sometimes it’s hard to wait on him.
As with myself I am glad you found a mentor and understand the value it provides over going it alone.
It is more precious than gold or silver.
Hi CJ & SJ – Great subject! Very valuable read!
I resonated with all of this great post.
I tried for a couple of years to do it alone and figure it out myself but it only led me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole and I was going nowhere.
I had a ton of purchased information, and a lot was quite valuable, I still have it today to use in the future but equally, a lot of what I purchased was total rubbish. At that time though I didn’t know the difference between the good and the rubbish.
I had also signed up for programmes that were majorly over-promised and then seriously under-delivered. I was left so confused and frustrated.
Those experiences cost me a lot of money, money that was not spare by any stretch of the imagination.
I had come to the realisation I needed help, but I had been burned so I was now very skeptical, like yourself and SJ, I just didn’t know who to trust.
One day I came across Sophie in a FB Post, it wasn’t her post but she had commented. Her comment led me to her profile and that led me to Dean. As soon as I watched the Iceberg Effect Audio I knew finally, I was in the right place and not for one minute since then have I seconded guess that knowing.
Having a mentor, the right mentor has been the best and wisest decision I have made. Yes, you will have to pay for it but it is not an expense as you say… it is an investment, and in my view with Dean…a very wise decision indeed.
I am glad you found value in the post!! It truly is easy to chase rabbit and get stuck in their rabbit holes. The problem with rabbit holes is they are never ending. They rob people of time, energy and money. Most people eventually give up their dreams because they come to the conclusion they never find the answers that lead them to success.
I have found that in a lot of these cases they refused to get mentor because it was just to expensive. To get beyond this mindset requires a shift in how one thinks of money. One must change and see it as an investment in one’s self and not an expense.
I am glad you were able to get out of he rabbit holes and link up with a good mentor.
Keep me posted on how you are progressing.
I’ve gone through a similar experience, lots of courses, and tools (to help me go it alone). Some bad, some just not really right for me at the time as I’d gotten ahead of myself. Some me just not staying focused.
I absolutely agree that it’s important to find a mentor, a good mentor can help us save a lot of money and time along the way. And I think a good mentor won’t just have one trick to teach us, they’ll first give us the foundation we need to succeed in a variety of endeavors, and they can help us with a wide variety of tactics, helping us with what works well for us.
Staying focused can be a difficult thing with all the distraction around us. We are bombarded with things from all directions. That is one of the main reasons we need a good mentor. They help keep us focused on the path we are traveling. Due to that focus, in the end it does save lots of time an money over going it alone. In the long run going it alone has been proven to be more costly than hiring a mentor.
I am glad you are on the right path with a mentor.
This is a fantastic video, CJ. Thank you so much for sharing. I struggled with this as well. I was so nervous about spending money I didn’t have and going into debt to hire a mentor. I wasn’t sure if it was worth it, and to be honest, I still have days when I wake up in a panic, thinking, did I make the right decision? Should I keep going, shelling out all this money with no return? I think spending money on a mentor is needed for success, but finding the right mentor is crucial. Hoping my mentor is the real deal and I can turn all this debt into success following his proven plan and hope the same for you!
Glad you found the video fantastic!
You are not alone in the struggle of should I or Should I not get a mentor. It is a big decision. Many mentorship programs cost the same as a good used vehicle. It is no small outlay to join one. Then when someone chooses to join one of these groups, we are often in need of turning profit as quickly as possible. When this doesn’t transpire as fast as we think it should, we begin to doubt the decision. I know I’ve been there.
But rest assure you have made the right choice and are in the right please. I say this from experience. Jus stay with it and it will get you where you need to go.
You Got This!!
Love your post and video. I like how you lay out the differences between going it alone and having a mentor. I can’t see myself getting anywhere without a mentor, and Dean is an excellent one! I also like how you shared your story leading up to finding Dean and Russel.
Glad you loved the post and video!
Since I’ve changed my point of view concerning having mentors, I would not go it alone in any part of life where I am working to build or improve on. I am studying Tony Robins and one of his three pillars is if you want to achieve success in any area of life you MUST have a MENTOR.
Many people don’t understand why you would want to pay the price for a mentor. But they loose sight of the wasted time and money it takes to do it alone.
I am glad you found Dean! He is great mentor and I’m very happy with him.
I like how you start out your written content with a third person summary. Have you ever thought about having an AI voice narrator do that summary in your video? It was nice to see the contrast between your experience of going it alone and the benefits of relying on a mentor or two. I must say that I’ve had nightmares about pricey premiums of mentors of days gone by. But it sounds like you’ve hit gold with Dean and Russell.
Thanks for your suggestion! I had not thought of that. Currently, I have been just trying a few things to see how they work and to learn from them. This week I learned that video on a blog isn’t as effective as text and images. Plus learned if I want to do video I needed to move it over to YouTube. This is counter to what I thought. But I surveyed individuals that read a lot of blogs and the IP team and all agree, Move the audio and video to appropriate platforms built for that kind of media. I will be moving in that direction as I improve the look and feel of the blog.
Thanks again,
Hi CJ! Points well taken. Look at it this way: when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Yes, I’ve had mentors in the past who seemingly dropped me in the wilderness to ultimately figure my own way out of rugged terrain.
I am so happy to find Dean and Russel too although I don’t work directly with Russel.
Peace and happy blog hopping!.
You are correct, when the student is ready the teacher will appear. One of my big mistakes was my business was at kindergarten level and I was hiring college professor for my mentors. This left a huge gap in understanding. I needed to learn the abc for my business and the professor was teach quantum physics. The professor was a great mentor but I just wasn’t at the level to take advantage of his mentoring for my business. This resulted in wasted time and money. It wasn’t the mentors fault, I just hire someone that was at a level beyond what I needed. This was a tough lesson to learn. But I did learn it. That is why I now ask the question can this product or mentor help where I am at now. If not then there is not need to spend any more time evaluating them. There are mentors that I aspire to work with some day but I am not at that level in my business for them to help me.
Thanks for you comment.
I chose the mentorship route to quicken my success. I concluded that the cost of mentorship will be compensated by my business making a profit. I could have stumbled about learning a new business independently, but I knew it would take a long time, and success wouldn’t be guaranteed. Following a proven plan is a better way to go for me.
Congratulations on your mindset concerning a mentor. It is true that if you keep moving forward your business should eventually pay for the cost. However, more importantly in my option is the time savings. As I’ve mentioned before time is money. We cannot get back our time but we can get back the money. A good mentor helps shorten the leaning process, thus saving time and getting your business to profitability faster than doing it alone. I have had to have a mind shift in this area. I use to look at the cost and say I cannot afford that. Instead now I ask how can I afford it.
Don’t get me wrong I haven’t gotten wealthy all of sudden. I just have change how I view it. I have learned over the years if you want something bad enough you will find a way to get it.
Thanks for your comment.
Hi, thought provoking blog! I have two questions, one, how do you guys personally decide what value you are getting from a mentor to decide if it is paying off or if you are getting ripped off. And… the Elephant in the room how much is your mentorships costing you verses how much you are earning?
These are 2 great questions! In the past I wasn’t wise enough to have much of any criteria. If sounded good and I thought it would teach me what I wanted and I could find a way to afford it I purchased it. I do not recommend anyone going about it this way. After being bunt several I learned to evaluate it under much stricter terms. So hear is what I look at now. I research the program and the person/company that is offering it. Do they have a good reputation? Next, does someone I know, like and trust recommend it. Is this going to solve a problem that I am having now. Not later but now. there are a lot of good programs out there but they are way beyond my current level, I won’t be able to take advantage of them.
Next, after doing my due diligence if it still seams viable I will sign up for their free course or book and study them to see how they team and mentor. The I ask myself are they the real deal. If so I may purchase a slightly more expansive product from them to test the waters. If I still am skeptical then I walk away. If I trust them then I will consider purchasing there advanced program. This is how I found my last 2 mentor that I mentioned in the post. So far using this method I have not got burnt.
I no longer look at things needed for my personal or business growth as an expense. To me it is an investment and if it can save me time and take me to the next step in my journey it is worth the investment. Some times the investment pays off quickly and sometime it takes time. However if it keeps me moving in the direction I desire then it is a success.
A wise person once told me you will work, work , work , work , work. Then you will work, work, work, work, get paid. Then you will work, work, work get paid, get paid and so on and so forth. The wise person understood most investments do not happen over night and require a lot of work before you’ll see the results.
Tony again thanks for you comment and asking those questions.
Another great topic and I love your personal story. I too crave mentorship and see it as a vital ingredient to my personal and professional growth. Being able to also mentor others on the other side of it also gives me great satisfaction. For myself, I almost see my blog as an extension of that same energy -it gives me that platform to share my experiences and offer coaching to others navigating the same challenges, and then the opportunity to engage in the comments. Its very satisfying, particularly in this modern age where oftentimes I think we feel so disconnected from a greater sense of community.
After writing this blog, I was listening to my Tony Robins Ultimate Power set that I’m going through this year. In it he mentions there are 3 success. The second pillar was find a mentor in every area of your life you wish to change & succeed. In it he stresses that your time is more valuable than money. You can get money back but you cannot get time back. For most this required a total mind shift because we look at the dollars and cents it costs and discount the value of time.
You are correct your blog is an extension of your mission to help others reach their goals and dream. The ability to share allows you to guide others on their path. I know you will do great things and lead your tribe as you go.
Thanks for the comment.